List of thresholds per workload (with value and unit)
Workload | Threshold name | Description | Value | Unit |
ADFS | ADFSPerformanceThreshold | ADFS Performance Status Threshold | 3000 | ms |
ADFSCriticalThreshold | ADFS Critical Status Threshold | 5000 | ms | |
Exchange Edge | ExchangeEdgeProcessorTimeThreshold | Exchange Edge ProcessorTime Threshold | 75 | % |
ExchangeEdgeRAMThreshold | Exchange Edge RAM Threshold | 90 | % | |
ExchangeEdgePoisonQueueLengthThreshold | Exchange Edge Poison Queue Length Threshold | 5 | Number of items | |
ExchangeEdgeSubmissionQueueLengthThreshold | Exchange Edge Submission Queue Length Threshold | 300 | Number of items | |
ExchangeEdgeUnreachableQueueLengthThreshold | Exchange Edge Unreachable Queue Length Threshold | 100 | Number of items | |
ExchangeEdgeDiskThreshold | Exchange Edge Disk Threshold | 10 | % | |
Exchange Mailbox - Client Access | RPCClientAccessAveragedLatencyTimeThreshold | RPC Client Access Averaged Latency Time Threshold | 250 | ms |
RPCClientAccessRequestsThreshold | RPC Client Access Requests Threshold | 40 | Number of requests | |
Exchange Mailbox - Databases | DatabaseReadsAttachedAverageLatencyTimeThreshold | Database Reads (Attached) Average Latency Time Threshold | 20 | ms |
DatabaseWritesAttachedAverageLatencyTimeThreshold | Database Writes (Attached) Average Latency Time Threshold | 50 | ms | |
DatabaseLogWritesAverageLatencyTimeThreshold | Database Log Writes Average Latency Time Threshold | 10 | ms | |
DatabaseReadsRecoveryAverageLatencyTimeThreshold | Database Reads (Recovery) Average Latency Time Threshold | 200 | ms | |
StoreRPCRequestsThreshold | Store RPC Requests Threshold | 70 | Number of requests | |
ClientTypeRPCAverageLatencyTimeThreshold | Client Type RPC Average Latency Time Threshold | 50 | ms | |
StoreRPCAverageLatencyTimeThreshold | Store RPC Average Latency Time Threshold | 50 | ms | |
Exchange Mailbox - System | DomainControllersLDAPReadTimeThreshold | Domain Controllers LDAP Read Time Threshold | 100 | ms |
DomainControllersLDAPSearchTimeThreshold | Domain Controllers LDAP Search Time Threshold | 100 | ms | |
ProcessesLDAPReadTimeThreshold | Processes LDAP Read Time Threshold | 100 | ms | |
ProcessesLDAPSearchTimeThreshold | Processes LDAP Search Time Threshold | 100 | ms | |
ProcessorPercentageTimeThreshold | Processor Percentage Time Threshold | 75 | ms | |
ProcessorUserPercentageTimeThreshold | Processor User Percentage Time Threshold | 75 | ms | |
ProcessorPrivilegedPercentageTimeThreshold | Processor Privileged Percentage Time Threshold | 75 | ms | |
ProcessorQueueLengthThreshold | Processor Queue Length Threshold | 6 | Number of items | |
MemoryCommittedBytesInUsePercentageThreshold | Memory Committed Bytes In Use Percentage Threshold | 80 | % | |
NetCLRMemoryGCPercentageTimeThreshold | .Net CLR Memory GC Percentage Time Threshold | 10 | % | |
NetworkPacketsOutboundErrorsThreshold | Network Packets Outbound Errors Threshold | 0 | Number of packets | |
ASPNetApplicationRestartsThreshold | ASPNet Application Restarts Threshold | 0 | Number of restarts | |
ASPNetWorkerProcessRestartsThreshold | ASPNet Worker Process Restarts Threshold | 0 | Number of restarts | |
ASPNetRequestWaitTimeThreshold | ASPNet Request Wait Time Threshold | 0 | Number of requests | |
ASPNetRequestsInApplicationQueueThreshold | ASPNet Requests In Application Queue Threshold | 0 | Number of requests | |
ExchangeMailboxDiskThreshold | Exchange Mailbox Disk Threshold | 10 | % | |
Exchange Mailbox - Transport | NumberOfMessagesInQueueThreshold | Number of Messages In Queue Threshold | 300 | Number of messages |
Exchange Online | ExchangeOnLineCriticalStatusThreshold | Exchange Online Critical Status Threshold | 6000 | ms |
ExchangeOnLinePerformanceStatusThreshold | Exchange Online Performance Status Threshold | 4000 | ms | |
Mail Routing - Hybrid | HybridMailRoutingCriticalThreshold | Hybrid Mail Routing Critical Status Threshold | 120000 | ms |
HybridMailRoutingPerformanceThreshold | Hybrid Mail Routing Performance Status Threshold | 30000 | ms | |
Mail Routing - Internal | InternalMailRoutingCriticalThreshold | Internal Mail Routing Critical Status Threshold | 60000 | ms |
InternalMailRoutingPerformanceThreshold | Internal Mail Routing Performance Status Threshold | 15000 | ms | |
Mail Routing - Roundtrip | RoundtripMailRoutingCriticalThreshold | Roundtrip Mail Routing Critical Status Threshold | 300000 | ms |
RoundtripMailRoutingPerformanceThreshold | Roundtrip Mail Routing Performance Status Threshold | 60000 | ms | |
Mail Routing - SMTP | SMTPGatewaysCriticalThreshold | SMTP Gateways Critical Status Threshold | 300000 | ms |
SMTPGatewaysPerformanceThreshold | SMTP Gateways Performance Status Threshold | 60000 | ms | |
OneDrive | OneDriveCriticalStatusThreshold | OneDrive Critical Status Threshold | 9000 | ms |
OneDrivePerformanceStatusThreshold | OneDrive Performance Status Threshold | 6000 | ms | |
OneDriveCriticalStatusDownloadThreshold | OneDrive Critical Status Threshold for Download action | 5000 | ms | |
OneDrivePerformanceStatusDownloadThreshold | OneDrive Performance Status Threshold for Download action | 3000 | ms | |
Skype For Business | S4BCriticalStatusThreshold | S4B Critical Status Threshold | 3.8 | Number representing the MOS |
S4BPerformanceStatusThreshold | S4B Performance Status Threshold | 4 | Number representing the MOS | |
Teams | TeamsCriticalThreshold | Teams Critical Status Threshold | 3.5 | Number representing the MOS |
TeamsPerformanceThreshold | Teams Performance Status Threshold | 3.8 | Number representing the MOS | |
TeamsActionTimePerformanceThreshold | Teams Action Time Performance Threshold | 6000 | ms | |
TeamsActionTimeCriticalThreshold | Teams Action Time Critical Threshold | 9000 | ms | |
URL | URLPerformanceThreshold | URL Performance Status Threshold | 3000 | ms |
UrlHttpStatusCodeSuccessThreshold | Url Http Status Code Success Threshold | 200 | HTTP Status code |