GSX Gizmo Boston 1.5.0

Release Notes - Version 1.5.0 November 20, 2019

New Features

  • New Documentation site: you can now access the new Help Center dedicated to GSX Gizmo (starting from Boston version and up

  • Hosting in Azure as a dedicated SaaS model: GSX Gizmo Boston Edition is now fully Microsoft Azure compliant.

  • Smart alerts: now sent through Email, Event Log and Service Now integration.

  • Network Operations Center: NOC View for Office 365 Operations are now available.

  • Dashboards: customizable dashboards are now available.

  • Services availability: Office 365 Health, all workloads, status and alerts per workload are now available.

  • PowerShell command:Update-Status’ cmdlet is now available.

  • Robot Manager: tags are now available to apply to Robot Managers.

  • Credentials: GSX Gizmo allows automated propagation of the credentials.

  • Proxy: explicit proxy configuration can be set for Exchange and OneDrive on top of supporting explicit proxy configuration in netsh/IE like before.


  • Table 'Status_AggregatedByApps' removal: this should free a lot of disk space as storage is optimized.

Fixed Issues

  • Teams and Skype Voice are now working fully as expected. Intermittent issues were establishing connections to Teams and Skype Voice call endpoints from robot managers when leveraging one of the Microsoft API.

  • Office 365 Health Scan Configuration is now working as expected. It was including any events from the past 24 hours (even if already closed), so there could have been discrepancy with the Office 365 portal.

Preview Mode

  • Mail Routing workload is now available.

  • Robot Health dashboard is now available.

Known Limitation

  • Power BI still requires the ‘Old’ location field to be setup. This will now need to be done directly in the Database however.

List of Components 


  • GsxGizmo.1.5.0.exe

  • GsxGizmoDescriptions.1.5.0.CloudEssentials.exe


  • Gsx Scan Configuration 3.1.1

  • Gsx Data Tier 1.1.8

  • Gsx Preprocessing 2.0.6

  • Gsx Status Calculation 2.7.0

  • Gsx Alert 1.7.3

  • Gsx Web UI 1.7.2


  • Exchange Online

  • Exchange Online DNS

  • Office 365 Health

  • One Drive

  • SharePoint DNS

  • Skype for Business Voice

  • Teams DNS

  • Teams Login

  • Teams Voice

  • (preview) Internal Mail Routing

  • (preview) Roundtrip Mail Routing

  • (preview) SMTP Gateways