Product Requirements

Robot Manager Requirements

If you are using a recent Windows 10 all software prerequisites should be taken care of.

  • Windows 10 recommended (Windows 7 is supported for core workloads Exchange, OneDrive, Teams Voice)

  • Processor: 2.5 GHz Dual Core minimum

  • RAM: 4 GB minimum

  • PowerShell 4.0+

  • .Net Framework 4.7.1 minimum


  • An Office 365 account (dedicated to the monitoring) with an E3 license or equivalent


  • The Robot Manager must be able to reach the GSX Gizmo server/cloud on the following ports:

    • TCP 5671 (5672) for AMQP Protocol and connect to RabbitMQ

    • TCP 80 (443) for HTTP communication in order to download .zip files

  • Access to all required Microsoft Office 365 URLs and IP

Gizmo Server Requirements


Gizmo Server is supported in offline mode (without Internet connectivity).

  • Windows Server 2019 recommended (Minimum OS - Windows Server 2016)

  • Minimum RAM - 8 GB (16 GB recommended if Power BI Desktop will import data from that server)

  • 4 Processors Minimum

  • 150 GB Drive Minimum

  • Windows Features enabled

  • Internet Information Server (IIS)

    • WebSocket Protocol enabled

    • IIS .Net Core Runtime 3.1 Module (Hosting Bundle)

    • IIS URL Rewrite Module

    • IIS Application Request Routing Module

  • .Net Framework 4.6.2 Full Minimum

  • Ports (inbound) TCP 5672, 80 & 443 (for HTTPS a valid certificate is required)

  • Local administrator account

  • PowerShell x86 and x64, set execution policy to RemoteSigned

Web Application

  • Full HD Screen resolution recommended (1920*1080)

  • Single Sign-On (SSO)

    • HTTPS must be enabled

    • Enterprise Azure Active Directory accounts for each user

    • Security Token Service must be accessible ({tenant-id})

    • Azure Sign in page must be reachable ({tenant-id})

    • The FQDN or the host name URL submitted to GSX

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

    • Single Sign-On (SSO) must be enabled

    • The access to Directory.Read.All must be grant by an AAD admin for all users

    • MS graph API must be accessible to retrieve groups (

    • AAD Group “GizmoAdmins“ with users inside than can administrate the web application


The SQL Database must not be collocated on the Gizmo server, at the exception of “Proof of Value”.

  • SQL 2017 or 2019 Database - Standard, Enterprise or Azure SQL

  • User with db_owner access to create tables

  • SQL Authentication and Windows authentication supported

  • Connection access to SQL database (port 1433 by default)

  • Optional, but suggested: SQL Management software, such as Azure Data Studio, or SSMS

Client Machine Requirements


  • Chrome

  • Firefox

  • Edge (chromium based)


  • 2 CPUs

  • 4 GB RAM


  • English

Workloads Requirements

Exchange Server monitoring requirements

Teams monitoring requirements