How to manually failover Gizmo application to another server
Applies to Boston 2.0+
This article explains how to manually failover Gizmo application to another server.
This procedure only applies to customers having a Gizmo SQL high availability (with SQL always on) configured on their environment.
Ensure Gizmo latest version is installed and working on Primary server.
SQL High Availability is configured and the database is up to date in both nodes.
Robot Managers are communicating to the Primary Gizmo application server.
Get the SQL database details from the Primary server: SQL Server Name, Instance and Database configured.
Verify that the SQL database connection is configured using SQL or Windows Authentication.
If it is a SQL authentication account, make sure that the same credentials are used for the Secondary server Gizmo configuration.
If a SQL database connection is configured using Windows Authentication, make sure that the same windows credentials are used to logon to the Secondary server and install the Gizmo application.
Shutdown the Primary Gizmo application server.
Ensure you install the same Gizmo version as a Primary server on the Secondary Gizmo server.
During the installation, make sure that the SQL Database and authentication details are the same as for the Primary Gizmo server.
Select “Install RabbitMQ 3.8.1 Set up”.
Once you installed Gizmo application on the Secondary server, use the script below to get the RabbitMQ password from registry:
$GsxSolutionsRegistryKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\GSX Solutions' $ScanConfigRegistryKey = Join-Path $GsxSolutionsRegistryKey -ChildPath "Scan Configuration Microservice" Get-ItemPropertyValue ("$ScanConfigRegistryKey\busconfig") -Name Password
Logon to Robot Managers, update the RabbitMQ server name and encoded password in registry (HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\GSX Solutions\Robot Manager\BusConfig)
Restart the GSX Robot manager service and wait for the next scan.
Gizmo Web UI should show the latest scan results with all the previous scan configurations.
Make sure that the Gizmo License is applied on the Secondary Gizmo server.
Post Validation Steps
Make sure gizmo Web UI console is reachable.
Access the Web UI and ensure dashboards are up to date on Exchange, OneDrive, Teams and other workloads.
Open GSX Management shell and ensure all scan configurations are available by using the command:
Access the RabbitMQ host page (http://localhost:15672) from the Secondary Gizmo server and make sure the Scan Hot queues are set to zero.
Logon to the Robot machine and ensure the scan data is successfully sent to Gizmo server (C:\Program files X86\GSX Solutions\ Robot manager\logs and C:\Program files X86\GSX Solutions\ Robot manager\GUID\logs).