How to cleanly reboot the Gizmo Robot Manager host machine


Applies to Gizmo Robot Manager

This article describes how to safely reboot the Gizmo Robot Manager host using the Windows Task Scheduler to run our dedicated PowerShell script.

Before you begin

You must login as an Administrator. The task of rebooting your Gizmo Robot Manager host requires the highest privileges.   


Complete the following tasks:

Download the PowerShell Script

  1. RDP to the Robot Manager host machine.
  2. Create a folder named "Scripts" on the C: drive.
  3. Download the archive file from the following link:
  4. Right-click the archive file and select Properties.
  5. Select the General tab.
  6. Click Unblock.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Extract the archive to the /Scripts/ folder that you created. Ensure that you the folder contains the following files:
    • StopGizmoWindowsServicesAndReboot.settings.config
    • StopGizmoWindowsServicesAndReboot.ps1

You can edit the "StopGizmoWindowsServicesAndReboot.settings.config" file to customize the PowerShell script behavior:

  • Adjust the time the script waits for each Windows service to complete its shutdown using the "secondsToWaitForServiceToShutDown" option (the default is 120 seconds).
  • Control whether the machine is to be rebooted using the "rebootWhenDone" option (Y/N).

Set up Windows Scheduler

  1. RDP to the Robot Manager host machine as an Admin.
  2. Open the Task Scheduler by typing "Task" in the Windows search box:
  3. Select Create a Basic Task from the Actions list on the right:
  4. Name the task "Stop GSX Robots and Reboot."
  5. In the General tab, select Run whether user is logged in or not and Run with highest privileges:
  6. In the Action tab, select Start a program.
  7. In the Program/script field, enter "powershell" and enter the path for the script in the Add arguments field. Ensure that you enter -File before the path. Click OK.
  8. Select Weekly Trigger and choose a day and time when there will be no activity, such as Sunday 3:00 AM.
  9. Click OK until you close the Windows Scheduler wizard.